When we give our heart to Christ, we have a need to share our faith and testimony with the children of God, and we presume that that place is the Church. In fact, our desire for and participation in the Communion of the Blood of Christ (1 Cor.10:16), the Communion of the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 10:16 – Holy Communion and His Church) and the Communion of the Holy Ghost (2 Cor.13:14) are essential elements of our Christian life.
It is debatable what this communion with the Body of Christ, meaning His Church on Earth is to be interpreted as, but generally it is accepted as being the Church where you worship him.
If one however looks at the history of His Church on Earth, one finds that they have been the main agent in the persecution of Christians. I do not think I need to go into the atrocities dealt by his so-called officials on the Christians over the centuries. In the main one thinks of the persecution and martyrdom of thousands of Christians by the Roman Catholic Church, by the Pharisees and even in the Church which you and I attend – albeit in a more subtle manner.
In this regard I wish to explain it by way of the life of a Pilgrim who has been my main inspiration in matters of conflict with the Church – William Tyndale.
All these conflicts take the following broad recipe. A group of Christians are inspired by the Holy Spirit and become aware of the reality of communication with God through Christ. They establish a Church group, and with time, this Church group goes from the Spirit to the flesh and inflict rules and regulations on the congregation in the name of God – in spite of the scripture in 1 Peter 2:16 .. as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness…. So this Church goes into bondage according to the scripture in Gal. 4:25 … For this Hagar is mount Sinai (the law) .. and is in bondage with her children.
An example:
Returning to William Tyndale. He was born in 1494 in England, acquired Bachelors and later a Masters degree in Arts at Oxford University in 1515 and was fluent in eight languages : English, French, Greek, Hebrew, German, Italian, Latin and Spanish.
In 1523 he asked for permission from the Church to translate the Bible into English, but was refused, and had to leave England for Europe to do the translation. In 1525 he completed the English translation of the New Testament and sent it to England where it was banned and burned in public, himself being labelled a heretic in 1529 by Cardinal Wolsey. In that year he went into hiding in Hamburg and started the translation of the Old Testament into English.
Sir Thomas More published an open attack on him in 1532 in what is known as Sir Thomas More's Dialogue therein labelling him as a traitor and heretic and instigating his conviction in Antwerp on a false pretence leading to his strangling and burning at the stake in 1536.
A few years later the King of England authorised the compilation of the Bible in English known as the King James Version, which used 84% of Tyndale's New Testament and 76% of his Old Testament.
The gist of conflict was the following : Laymen like you and I were not allowed to read and interpret the Bible – it was the sole right of the Pope and Priests of the Roman Catholic Church, and we have to accept their interpretation regardless.
The gist of Tyndale's argument was that God speaks to anyone who was prepared to listen, and it is better to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit than the rules of the Pope.
This is still the gist of the bondage inflicted by the modern Church.
As a closure I wish to remind you that Sir Thomas More (who was indirectly responsible for the burning of Tyndale) is held to be 'A Man for all Seasons' in books and films today. He was beheaded by King Henry VIII – for clinging to the directives of the Pope - what a useless cause to die for. Moynahan (The Fugitive) captures well More's hatred of Tyndale, whom he called "a hellhound in the kennel of the devil," – what astounding words for a man who was an Archbishop.
Nothing however happens by chance and in a sense one can see that it was the revenge by Providence for his burning of Tyndale – who was the real 'Man for all Seasons'.
One can read in more detail the argument of William Tyndale in his book – The Obedience of a Christian man.
These last days:
This misconception of the Church is said to become even worse in the last days.
2 Tim 3:1 .. know also that in the last days .. men shall be … despisers of those that are good … having as form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof : from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive … ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth … men of corrupt minds …
What communion then:
Most Churches today are rife with institutions of the flesh which lead men into bondage – so beware of communion with them – for it is they who get you to defile with the woman (the Church of God we are warned against in Rev. 14:4) if we wish to become part of the Bride of Christ.
What is the alternative:
If this type of Church is taboo – then what shall we do to have communion with the real believers on Earth.
These days ministries are growing, and they are somewhat immune to rules of the flesh, but do not satisfy the proper after care of new believers – and even old ones.
The new internet churches are also growing, but some remain faceless and also do not satisfy the Communion with other Believers.
Of course there are Churches who fulfill their role according to the requirements of Scripture, but most of them find it hard to remain in that form, and it is a common phenomena that Churches grow cold and legalistic over time.
A good alternative is also to join a Bible Study group. Whatever the case, you should pray and let God lead you to a place where you can spiritually grow, and where God's Spirit moves freely.
Let us know what YOU think?

It is debatable what this communion with the Body of Christ, meaning His Church on Earth is to be interpreted as, but generally it is accepted as being the Church where you worship him.
If one however looks at the history of His Church on Earth, one finds that they have been the main agent in the persecution of Christians. I do not think I need to go into the atrocities dealt by his so-called officials on the Christians over the centuries. In the main one thinks of the persecution and martyrdom of thousands of Christians by the Roman Catholic Church, by the Pharisees and even in the Church which you and I attend – albeit in a more subtle manner.
In this regard I wish to explain it by way of the life of a Pilgrim who has been my main inspiration in matters of conflict with the Church – William Tyndale.
All these conflicts take the following broad recipe. A group of Christians are inspired by the Holy Spirit and become aware of the reality of communication with God through Christ. They establish a Church group, and with time, this Church group goes from the Spirit to the flesh and inflict rules and regulations on the congregation in the name of God – in spite of the scripture in 1 Peter 2:16 .. as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness…. So this Church goes into bondage according to the scripture in Gal. 4:25 … For this Hagar is mount Sinai (the law) .. and is in bondage with her children.
An example:
Returning to William Tyndale. He was born in 1494 in England, acquired Bachelors and later a Masters degree in Arts at Oxford University in 1515 and was fluent in eight languages : English, French, Greek, Hebrew, German, Italian, Latin and Spanish.
In 1523 he asked for permission from the Church to translate the Bible into English, but was refused, and had to leave England for Europe to do the translation. In 1525 he completed the English translation of the New Testament and sent it to England where it was banned and burned in public, himself being labelled a heretic in 1529 by Cardinal Wolsey. In that year he went into hiding in Hamburg and started the translation of the Old Testament into English.
Sir Thomas More published an open attack on him in 1532 in what is known as Sir Thomas More's Dialogue therein labelling him as a traitor and heretic and instigating his conviction in Antwerp on a false pretence leading to his strangling and burning at the stake in 1536.
A few years later the King of England authorised the compilation of the Bible in English known as the King James Version, which used 84% of Tyndale's New Testament and 76% of his Old Testament.
The gist of conflict was the following : Laymen like you and I were not allowed to read and interpret the Bible – it was the sole right of the Pope and Priests of the Roman Catholic Church, and we have to accept their interpretation regardless.
The gist of Tyndale's argument was that God speaks to anyone who was prepared to listen, and it is better to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit than the rules of the Pope.
This is still the gist of the bondage inflicted by the modern Church.
As a closure I wish to remind you that Sir Thomas More (who was indirectly responsible for the burning of Tyndale) is held to be 'A Man for all Seasons' in books and films today. He was beheaded by King Henry VIII – for clinging to the directives of the Pope - what a useless cause to die for. Moynahan (The Fugitive) captures well More's hatred of Tyndale, whom he called "a hellhound in the kennel of the devil," – what astounding words for a man who was an Archbishop.
Nothing however happens by chance and in a sense one can see that it was the revenge by Providence for his burning of Tyndale – who was the real 'Man for all Seasons'.
One can read in more detail the argument of William Tyndale in his book – The Obedience of a Christian man.
These last days:
This misconception of the Church is said to become even worse in the last days.
2 Tim 3:1 .. know also that in the last days .. men shall be … despisers of those that are good … having as form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof : from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive … ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth … men of corrupt minds …
What communion then:
Most Churches today are rife with institutions of the flesh which lead men into bondage – so beware of communion with them – for it is they who get you to defile with the woman (the Church of God we are warned against in Rev. 14:4) if we wish to become part of the Bride of Christ.
What is the alternative:
If this type of Church is taboo – then what shall we do to have communion with the real believers on Earth.
These days ministries are growing, and they are somewhat immune to rules of the flesh, but do not satisfy the proper after care of new believers – and even old ones.
The new internet churches are also growing, but some remain faceless and also do not satisfy the Communion with other Believers.
Of course there are Churches who fulfill their role according to the requirements of Scripture, but most of them find it hard to remain in that form, and it is a common phenomena that Churches grow cold and legalistic over time.
A good alternative is also to join a Bible Study group. Whatever the case, you should pray and let God lead you to a place where you can spiritually grow, and where God's Spirit moves freely.
Let us know what YOU think?
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