Here are a few suggestions:-
- The Alpha Course: This is for every new Christian. You will find the answer to almost any question you have here: who is Jesus? Why did He die? Is Christianity relevant in my life? What am I doing on earth? Why is there suffering in the world?
- Networks Course: If you are a Christian, but is unsure of your spiritual gifts and how to apply them to serve God’s work best, this course is for you!
- Download the Bible in your favourite version for Free! E-sword was started by Rick Meyers from California. The Holy Spirit chose to give him the gift of teaching, which he has been using since 1991. It was this same time that He gave him the desire to program computers (funny how that works). Nine years later GOD combined his passion for His Word and pleasure of programming, and e-Sword was birthed! He is happy to provide a blessing to others in the form of free Bible study software! Computer software has changed the way we can study the Word of GOD. With a simple click of the mouse button, we now have access to volumes of scholarship within seconds!
- We have a distinct purpose and if we do not fullfil that purpose, we will
keep on chasing after wind and be unsatisfied with our lives. God wants us to have a full life. Rick Warren has put together a wonderful book with easy steps guiding you to find your purpose in life: Visit Purpose Driven Life
- Look on our blog (right hand side) for movies and books we recommend you read / watch.
- You can also visit our website for more information on this topic.
Good luck and give us some feedback on your journey!!
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