Monday, July 9, 2012

Interesting Bible Facts: General

-       The Star of Bethlehem was reported by Matthew, but at the same time Chinese astronomers recorded it, too. To the Chinese it was a bright, unknown star.

-       There have been more than 25,000 archaeological findings relating to people, places, and events in the Bible. And believe it or not, not one of them has contradicted anything in the Bible. That in and of itself is incredible proof of the Bible's trustworthiness. So if we can believe the historical and archaeological evidence for the Bible, why do you think it's hard for us to believe the spiritual part of the book?

-       Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer are the three angels mentioned by name in the Bible.

-       There are 5 suicides recorded in the Bible.  Do you know who they were?

-       The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, named in the Bible's Book of Revelation, are Conquest, Slaughter, Famine, and Death

-        According to Zephaniah 3:17, God sings.

-       The oldest parable in the Bible is in Judges 9:8-15.

-        In ancient Israel, men closed a deal by exchanging sandals. Ruth 4:7

-       Jesus had many names: Immanuel, Alpha and Omega, Bright and Morning Star, Good Shepherd, I Am, King of Kings, Lamb of God, Master, Prince of Life, Root of Jesse. Revelations 1:11, 22:16, 19:16, John 10:14, 8:58, 1:29, 38, 15:1, Acts 3:15, Isaiah 11:10 And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

-       Did you know when Jesus died, saints rose from the dead and walked around Jerusalem? Matthew 27:52-53

-       The term 'scapegoat' comes from the use of a goat that was to receive the sins of the people and be released into the wilderness. Leviticus 16:10

-       In Old Testament times people wore a sack- cloth so other people would know they were in mourning. 2 Samuel 3:31

-       Amen means, "so let it be."

-       It didn't rain in the Garden of Eden, or out of it for that matter. Water came up from the ground to make things grow. Genesis 2:5-6

-       After the resurrection, Jesus was on earth for 40 days. Acts 1:3

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